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  • Collaboration Partners with Taiwan Research Centre

    ::: Universities/Academic Institutions

    Collage of Liberal Arts of the Taiwan Cheng Kung University

    Established in 1956, The Collage of Liberal Arts of the Taiwan Cheng Kung University is one of the most vigorous academic leaders in Taiwan in the promotion of Arts and Humanities. It has been supporting our Centre in various academic events by engaging our Centre with its research centres and scholars in the field of and not limited to Taiwan-related studies (see ‘Minnan Cultural Studies Centre’ and ‘Research Centre for Humanities and Social Science’ below).

    Institute of Modern History, Academia Seneca

    Founded in the year of 1855, the Institute of Modern History of the Academia Seneca is one of the most prestigious academic institutes championing humanistic concerns by continuing the excellent tradition in the study of history. The institute has collaborated with our Centre in bringing the most fruitful research findings of Taiwan scholars in the investigation of Modern Chinese History. The public lecture, ‘靈學與近代中國的知識轉型:民初知識分子對科學、宗教與迷信的再思考’,by Director Huang Ko-wu is one of the examples.

    College of Public Health, Taiwan University

    The College of Public Health of the Taiwan University is one of the leading pioneers in the field of Public Health in Taiwan. The Centre has actively engaged with the college in fostering exchanges in Public Health between our University and Taiwan University. Please refer to our past event of the Public Lecture- '臺灣為什麼會有全民健保?──意義與啟示' by Professor Chiang Tung-liang, for a glimpse of the exciting exchanges.

    Taiwan Central University

    Embracing the aspiration of promoting humanistic education in a highly commercialized world, the Taiwan Central University shares a kindred spirit with our Centre from the start. To foster bilateral studies between Hong Kong and Taiwan, the Hong Kong Research Centre of Taiwan Central University has been established on 23 April, 2012. Both Centres sent representatives of goodwill to each others’ inauguration ceremony and continue to explore academic collaboration.

    ::: Research Centres

    Minnan Cultural Studies Centre, Taiwan Cheng Kung University

    A young and budding research institute established in 2012, the Minnan Cultural Studies Centre of the Taiwan Cheng Kung University has always been restless in extending its ambition in promoting inter-disciplinary studies in Taiwanese Culture. The symposium, ‘Similarities and Differences—The Diversified Development of Min Yue Culture in Taiwan and Hong Kong’, is a fine example of our shared vision.

    Research Centre for Humanities and Social Science, Taiwan Cheng Kung University

    The Research Centre for Humanities and Social Science of the Taiwan Cheng Kung University, established in 2008, has been a champion of its college’s spirit in promoting humanistic concern and interdisciplinary dialogues from Arts to Social Science. Our centre will be collaborating with them in a symposium to be held in 2014, namely: ‘Wandering and Belonging: Post-war Taiwan and Hong Kong Literature and others’.

    Hong Kong Research Centre*, Taiwan Central University

    The Hong Kong Research Centre of the Taiwan Central University aims at promoting academic exchanges in Science and Technology, Arts and Humanities, social and administrative aspects between Taiwan and Hong Kong.
    *No website is available on the date when this text is prepared.*

    ::: Others

    Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

    The Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange is a non-profit organization headquartered in Taipei. The foundation has provided grants for our University for subsidizing academic institutes, funding collaborative research, conferences and seminars, or funding publication titles related to Chinese cultural studies.

    Kwang Hwa Information and Cultural Centre

    Kwang Hwa Information and Cultural Centre is well known for many of its signature events that successfully initiated bilateral dialogues in Arts and Humanities, Society and Commerce between Taiwan and Hong Kong, such as the yearly Taiwan Cultural Festival and monthly ‘台灣式言談’ lecture series. Please see our past event of ‘The Dream of Independent Bookshops’, for our collaboration with the Centre’s Taiwan Cultural Festival 2012.